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John Michael Farren, former Bush White House counsel, arrested for trying to kill his wife

January 9, 2010 - 2001-09-11 - 07-speechprep-0911
Image by smiteme via Flickr

Mary Farren is beaten almost to death by the husband she was trying to divorce, and the spokesman for George W. Bush called it a “personal matter,” further solidifying my lack of respect for George Bush.  A woman is beaten to within an inch of her life, requiring the care of neighbors, police officers, doctors, hospitalists and others, but we call this a “personal matter,” as though it can’t be discussed.   Is Bush’s spokesman assuming that this shouldn’t be discussed because somehow domestic abuse should be kept quiet?

Farren was general counsel at Xerox Corp. in 2007 when he was named deputy White House counsel during George W. Bush’s second term. He was previously undersecretary for international trade in the Commerce Department under Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush; deputy manager for the elder Bush’s 1992 re-election campaign; and deputy director for his transition team in 1989.

“We are saddened to hear the news,” said David Sherzer, spokesman for George W. Bush. “This is a personal matter and we will not be commenting on it.”

John Farren’s lawyer, Eugene Riccio, called it “a tragic situation” yesterday.

Mary Farren is stable at a hospital with a broken nose, broken jaw and other injuries. Her attorney, Andrew Bowman, declined to comment.

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Apparently attempted murder in a marriage is a private matter according to the Bush spokesman.  Attempted murder must be different in a marriage or something, than say an assailant on the street.  Hey, I know, is it because it was the attempted murder of a woman, or a woman married to a former White House counsel?

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